Music with Mal
Over the last week we have had a lovely visit from Mal again the residents absolutely adore him. He has been coming to the home for years and knows most of the residents by name, and their favourite songs. Mal brings a wide range of music with him from 60s rock and roll to many of his own songs, he comes well prepared with his guitar and all the equipment he needs.
The girls love seeing Mal, he is one of Beryl's favourite singers and he never fails to put a smile on her face with his Elvis covers.
Ann loves being involved in what ever is going on and having Mary to help her get up and dance was lovely to see. Ann also loved getting up and having a boogie.
Mary made her way around the residents to ensure they all had a good time. Tilly hadn't been down for a bit so Mary ensured she got plenty of dancing in with her too.

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