Some of our crazy staff
When working in care there are some quality you must have and they consist of a crazy side good humour ow and of course love your job. Hear are just a few pictures from the last 12months of some of the staff at well lets say there best :)
As many of you know this is Shaz but to us she is Mad Shaz
Lou is a popular face around the home and always has a smile on no matter what she's doing.
Becky and Katie are sisters and both as mad as one another.
Mel and Katie are like Laurel and Hardy both "think" there funny.
Martin is the always up for a laugh.
The tea trolly girls bring more than hydration to the home.
I don't even know what to say about Tony. He's just a one of special.
Izzy is just a little bit on the crazy side.
And once again are Mad Shaz.
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